We LOVE our patrons, and we're excited to share each performance with you! To make your theatre experience the best it can be, please be mindful of the following guidelines.
Please arrive early. The theater is open one hour before showtime, and the house opens 30 minutes before showtime. Our shows are usually sold out with a waiting list, so if you have not checked in with the box office 15 minutes before the curtain opens, we may give your seat to someone on the waiting list. If tardiness is unavoidable, please call the box office at (706) 839-1315 so that we can ensure that your seat is reserved for you.
Out of respect for the other patrons and the actors onstage, patrons arriving late (after the show has started) will be seated during the next scene change.
We are unable to accommodate strollers in the aisles of the house. This is a safety concern for our performers and our patrons. Additionally, many shows utilize the aisles of the house for the performance. For their own safety and that of our performers, small children must remain seated during the show. If your child will not be able to sit quietly for the duration of the show, please consider getting childcare for the evening.
Please take care of personal needs (snacks, water, restroom use) before the performance begins. One of our former directors, the late John Preece, often suggested in the announcements that the crinkling of candy wrappers is distracting to both the actors and the other patrons, and that you may wish to unwrap your candy before the show.
Read over your playbill for performance information. Sometimes the director includes a note that contextualizes what you’re about to see. You’ll also learn: how many acts are in the show, if there is an intermission and how long it will last, and audition alerts for upcoming shows. Any last-minute cast changes will be shown on the monitors on each side of the stage.
This could be the number one rule in theatre etiquette. Turn off your phone. Not vibrate. Not silent. Alarms can still go off on those settings, not to mention that your phone can still light up. The sounds and lights distract your fellow audience members and the performers onstage, so no texting, and don’t use your phone as a flashlight to flip through your playbill. Remember: This is live theatre—not a movie. The actors can hear and see you.
Most shows do not allow photography of any kind (this is part of our licensing agreement with each show). Flash photography inside the theater is never allowed. It distracts those around you and endangers the performers.
The overture is part of the performance. Please cease talking at this point, and prepare to enjoy the show!
Lovebirds... we're so happy you've found love at the theater! But when you lean your heads together, you block the view of those behind you.
Please consider those seated behind you when choosing whether to wear a hat or what hairstyle you choose.
Please refrain from talking, humming, or singing along with the show except when encouraged to do so by the artists or show.
Please wait for an appropriate moment to dig something out of your pocket or bag. Or again, when contemplating unwrapping another candy wrapper. A tear-jerking moment in the performance is perhaps not the time.
Go easy with the perfume and cologne; many people are highly allergic.
Applause—we clap not just to show we like something, but also to let the performers know we understand it. When should you applaud? Entrance applause—when an actor walks onstage for the first time—is common for certain high-profile stars. If you’re attending a musical, applaud following musical numbers. When the actors are performing the can-can, a challenging dance move, feel free to show your appreciation. For musicals and straight plays, blackouts cue applause. If a scene ends, but there is no blackout, follow the lead of the rest of the audience. The actors will be energized by your appreciation!
If you need assistance during the show, please go to the lobby and speak with the House Manager or one of the concessions workers.
Yes, it's a bit of a bottleneck for a few minutes after the show... when 105 people are trying to leave through one exit all at once, it's bound to be slow. However, leaving while the show is still in progress or before the actors have taken their final bows is discourteous. Please wait until the bows are over and exit with the rest of the audience.
– Adapted from The Fox Theatre and Playbill.com
Thank you so much for your consideration... enjoy the show!